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1950 vacuum antenna questions

Started by Russ Hobden #1235, September 22, 2006, 01:00:41 PM

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Russ Hobden #1235

If you have an original vacuum antenna on your 1950, 51, 52,or 53 Cadillac would you please tell me how many telescoping sections (two or three) make up the mast, and how far it extends above the fender when fully retracted?
One other question;  Am I right to assume that when you extend the antenna with the radio knob only the bottom section extends?  And to raise the antenna higher you have to pull the inner section(s) up by hand?  Thanks.  Russ #1235

Rob Kranenburg

Hi Russ,

I have a 53 with an original antenna, and it has 2 pieces. The outer piece goes up and down with the vacuum/radio-knob, the inner piece is a by-hand affair.

I got a replacement mast from I think McVey, and it was identical. I also have a couple spare antennae (it was a real pain to find a nice core), they are off 54 cars, and those are the same too. Id be surprised if there were any 3-piece ones around for those years.

On the 53, the inner piece fits completely inside the outer piece (except for the little round tip). The entire thing, when all the way down, sticks out by say 10 inches. If you need an exact measurement, I can try later today.


Russ Hobden #1235

Thanks for the reply.  That confirms my suspicions that I have the wrong mast on my antenna.  Its a three-section mast that, when fully down, extends only 2 inches above the fender and when fully up extends nearly 6 feet above the fender.  I looked at all the pictures I could find on line of Cadillacs of that era to see if I could determine what the antenna should be like and most confirm what you said.  Did you know that the factory photos and  artist drawings rarely, if ever, show an antenna and an outside rear-view mirror? Thanks for your help.  I dont think you need to take any more measurements for me.  Russ Hobden #1235