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Started by JIM CLC # 15000, November 11, 2006, 02:12:52 AM

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JIM CLC # 15000

To: ALL lovers and owners of USED,ABUSED and MISUSED CADILLACS and CADILLAC-La SALLES  I was reading todays newspaper and ran accross the following headlines by Sarah Karush,AP writer, date line Detroit: make inroads in quality.With sub headlines as followers. (Asian models lead in reliability, but domestics improve) The artical goes on to list the "most" and "least" reliable vehicles. In all fairness to MS.Karush, She quoted information put-out by the "consmer Report" people. Oh,BTW,CADILLAC lost out to LEXUS LS in the Luxury Car Class., BUT, we know better,dont we?

JIM CLC # 15000

ALL Readers, I forgot to put my "signture" on my post. Must be what is ment by "a senior monent" LOL
Good Luck,JIM

Bruce Reynolds # 18992

Gday Jim,

At least you caught up with yourself.

If you pass yourself, after catching up with yourself, are you then ahead of yourself?

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV

Rhino 21150

Isnt that kind of like catching up to the light from your headlights?