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1940 Lasalle colors

Started by Ben Medlock, May 14, 2007, 08:54:15 PM

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Ben Medlock

I'm new to Lasalle restoration but I've taken on my father in-laws 1940 5019 sedan. It has become a complete frame off restoration. I have a million questions but for starters, is there a book or manual that will describe the original paint schemes? I've got the body color code off the nameplate and found out that "Homer Grey" is the original color. I'm having the frame powder coated chassis black and will probably have the other chassis parts coated black also. What about everything else? Any advise would be appreciated

oh yeh, I joined the club and my membership number is 23249. Not sure if i am suppose to register or anything else.

Barry Wheeler #2189

Hi, One of the easiest things to find is a paint chip chart. You can find one on eBay fairly often. The 1940 Cadillac will show the Homer Grey. When you get your Club Directory, in the back there will be listed all the current Club members with your car. Making sure you don't call at dinner time, or too late, keeping in mind time differences, in some forty years I have not found any member not willing to accept a "cold" call to talk about their (and your) car. Also, the LaSalle Chapter of the Club has a great newsletter that you might subscribe to. The book referred to can be ordered from the web site, as there is a column on the RH side of the home page that lists it. It is coffee table sized, and a treasure house of LaSalle information. Best of luck, and welcome to the Club.

Rusty Shepherd CLC 6397

I think that you'll enjoy the messages forums more if you register as that allows you to do more things with your posts (including amending them after they're posted). The recommended user name is your first name or nickname and last name followed by your CLC membership number.

Ben Medlock

Thanks guys for the information and comments. I ordered the recommended book already and look forward to checking it out. I'll also register soon. I got alot more questions coming yalls way soon.