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1930 V 8 Valve Keeper

Started by harry s, April 14, 2009, 07:22:06 PM

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harry s

I need one, actually one of the pair for the valve stem. I'm not sure what else interchanges. I tried Egge Machine, no luck there.  Harry Scott
Harry Scott 4195
1941 6733
1948 6267X
2011 DTS Platinum


hi,do you think 31/32 are the same.the orig. engine to my 32 was locked up/dissassembled with some parts missing and a 31 shortblock came with it i suppose to use as a donor to fix it but i have since (luckily)found a complete 32 v-8,so i may have a pair you'd welcome to if you could post a picture of what you need.tony     
tony patterson

harry s

Hi Tony, Here is a picture of the valve, retainer and 1/2 of the keeper/lock, which is what I need (I don;t know how to put those arrows on the picture). If you have one that would be great. Harry
Harry Scott 4195
1941 6733
1948 6267X
2011 DTS Platinum

harry s

Tony,  I forgot to mention in the previous post that according to the parts book '30, '31 & '32 keepers are interchangeable. Harry
Harry Scott 4195
1941 6733
1948 6267X
2011 DTS Platinum


here's a picture of what i have.i believe it's what you need.if so send me your address and i'll send you a pair.good luck,tony     
tony patterson