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My '58 Brougham is Eating Voltage Regulators like Crackers

Started by Morgan Murphy, June 15, 2009, 12:24:55 AM

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The company Paul refers to is MaterMind:
It does not seem like he has the 55 amp regulator in the lists though  :(

If you have a 55 Amp Generator in the car you do need a regulator of the same "size".
Why would they bother with developing two versions of the regulator if the larger one was not needed with the larger generator?

How does the regulator work anyway?
Does the regulator sit between the generator and the battery? What I mean is if the thick lead from the generator is connected to the regulator or the battery?
My guess is that it goes to the regulator. This means the the regulator will have to carry the high current from the generator and this will kill the contacts over time.

Voltages: On all (50-60s) Cadillac models, EXCEPT the Eldorado Brougham, the battery is located in the engine compartment (or in front of the radiator) and will be heated by the engine and AC condenser to some extent (at least while cruising at low speeds). The system voltage are held back due to this in order to not cook off the liquid in the battery. This is either done by a fixed reduction or by using temperature compensation (such as in the alternators with integral regulator intruduced in mid-late sixties).
A higher system voltage may be allowed for the Eldorado Broughams (57-60) which all have the battery in the cooler trunk.
Some guidance about maximum Voltages for various temperatures
32F and below: 14.3V
50F: 14.0V
68F: 13.6V
86F: 13.5V
104F: 13.2V
above 104F: 13.0V
If your battery voltage are below these levels (with car running) your battery will not be sufficiently charged.
Measure at the battery posts!
If the voltage are above these levels there will be cookoff of liquid and you will need to add clean water to your battery.

An alternative solution if you are unable to find the right regulator may be to install a standard generator from a 58 Seville or Deville with matching regulator.
If you do not use all accessories all the time this smaller generator may be sufficient. The Eldorado Brougham dopes have a lot of extras requiring more electrical power such as rear floor heater fans and electrical compressor for the air ride but if you do not use these all the time and do not use your lights during daytime you should be fine with a smaller generator.

About polarizing the generator I have no clue when this is required, but if you do not get any output from the generator or if you are getting too low output (mesure with a clip-on current meter), polarizing is the first thing to try once you are sure the generator is properly grounded.

Lars-Ove Jansson
Engineer, Seville 1976, Sweden
CLC member 19067
Lars-Ove Jansson
CLC#: 19067