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47 series 62 indicator lights and wiring diagrams

Started by Ron Humphrey, October 07, 2009, 10:15:38 AM

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Ron Humphrey

Hi folks, I am helping a friend with the wiring on his 1947 Series 62 4 dr. sedan. I am looking for info. regarding the function of the indicator lights located in the speedo. There are 2 red ones, the left one works as a high beam indicator and the right one is hot all the time. Could anyone enlighten me as to what this right hand light should actually be indicating. The wiring has been somewhat hacked and I assume this light should not be hooked direct to power,but I have no idea what the original function of it was. Also I would dearly love to locate a wiring schematic for this vehicle if anybody knows of a source. Any help on these matters would be greatly appreciated

Bill Ingler #7799

Hi Ron: The right indicator light on the 47 speedo is the turn signal indicator. I have attached the 47 wiring diagram but in order to stay under the max size of an attachment, I had to split the diagram in 2 pieces. If this does not print out on your end so it is satisfactory to use, please email me direct with your name and address and I will mail you the diagram

Ron Humphrey

Bill Thank you very much for your reply, the wiring diagram printed out just fine. This should be a great help in fixing this old wiring harness.

Regards Ron Humphrey