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Cost of replacing A/c blower fan on 99 Deville

Started by tbran10, February 08, 2011, 11:16:15 AM

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Hi!  I love my two 99 Devilles.  I'm told that it's only OEM thru a GM dealer?
Cost is over $500 for fan and $300 for instalation.
Do I have any options?
Thanks for responding.  tbran

TJ Hopland

My local Napa store shows it in stock for around  $220   part number is BK 6552157
They also show the relay in stock for around $40  part number is ECH AR153
They show the resistor as available but not in stock at my local store, there are 2 styles listed both around $230  ECH BR439 and ECH BR102
Perhaps they are figuring on replacing the resistor at the same time?  They are usually located near each other and I could imagine a bad motor damaging the resistor.

I have never had to replace one on a 99 but based on some newer cars I have had to work on $300 may be a pretty good deal for installation. 
73 Eldo convert w/FiTech EFI, over 30 years of ownership and counting
Somewhat recently deceased daily drivers, 80 Eldo Diesel & 90 CDV
And other assorted stuff I keep buying for some reason
