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1953 Cadillac steering linkage

Started by jyinger, July 25, 2011, 01:31:53 PM

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Are these parts interchangeable 1953-1954?


Jon  jyinger1email addresses not permitted
Jon Yinger

Warren Rauch #4286

 You need to be more specific. example: The king pins fit 1941-55( will work on 1956). Most parts fit 50-53 or 54-56,but not all by any means. Power steering or not is also important.Warren


I need the drag link pieces, esp. the driver's side tie rod end.  Will that piece from a '54 Cadillac (with power steering) interchange with a '53 Cadillac (with power steering)?


Jon Yinger

Warren Rauch #4286

 The short answer is the outer is the same , the inner isn't.
Outer tie rod end  Cadillac right 267169 ,left 267168
  Fits 39-40 exc series 75,90, 3960s left;  41-56 all; 57-60 many
Moog and TRW make a replacement ES-103 ( both use same#) that fits both left and right sides. THe 3960s model is the only one that used left thread on the left side.
Inner tie rod end Cadillac #'s
  50-53 all  566 1546
  54-56 all  566 6355
adjusting tube   39-56 same , new number in 57  replaces it.
center link  for left hand drive cars Cadillac #'s
  50-53 all 566 1548
  54     all  566 6349
  55-56 all  566 8083