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1972 Coupe DeVille parts

Started by BossK, February 25, 2012, 09:18:31 PM

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Hello all, I am new to the forum because I wanted to put out there that I have a 1972 CDV   (demo derby)  that I am stripping down, and wanted to see if anyone wanted any parts off of it, like trim, headlight bezels, mirrors, or even glass. 
I am not putting prices because I am not looking to make a bunch of money off these parts, I am a car nut, and recognize that they may be helpful to someone out there.  If there is something you want off it, I will let you know if it is there and in what condition, I am not going to hold the parts dear to my heart, so if you want it, give me a little for my time and pay shipping, or if you live close enough you can touch base with me and come get it yourself.  (Western Colorado/GJ)
It has fender skirts which are in really good condition,no rust and have original trim on them, pics if interested
4 hubcaps (15") in good condition/matching/original
interior of car in good condition, seats are prolly gonna be to big to ship, but if someone is close by and wants them..
Mirrors, exterior trim, etc. all there

Grand Junction CO