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WTB 1938 Cadillac Headlight trim ends and bezel, radio knobs

Started by Tom Magdaleno, May 06, 2012, 02:42:17 PM

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Tom Magdaleno

  I found someone in the Cadillac club once before who sold be the metal ends for the trim on my headlights.  I can't seem to find the receipt.  Also, if anyone reproduces radio knobs I could use those.  Headlight rings are another original part I am missing.  Any leads on any of the preceding would be appreciated.  Thanks!
'38 Cadillac V16
'71 Buick Riviera
'65 Chevy Truck
'56 Packard Super Clipper

Bruce Berghoff -#1476

Hello Tom... '38 Cadillac Headlight Molding End Caps are available as a kit from the Michigan Region CCCA. Contact Lee Barthel at (248)476-0702. 1938 factory radio knob reproductions and a source for headlight trim rings can be obtained from Dan Whalen at (513)734-4040. Good Luck. bb

Tom Magdaleno

'38 Cadillac V16
'71 Buick Riviera
'65 Chevy Truck
'56 Packard Super Clipper