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1959 spare tire cover

Started by kib, July 17, 2012, 06:51:38 AM

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I need the spare tire cover in the trunk.


Jeff Wilk

The fabric cover or the metal flat top/cover?   Metal ones are on ebay frequently. Jenkins makes excellent repro fabric ones
"Impossible Only Describes The Degree Of Difficulty" 

Southern New Jersey

1959 Cadillac Fleetwood Sixty Special
1975 Eldorado Convertible (#12 made)
1933 Phaeton Chevrolet - "Baby Cadillac"
1933 Master Sedan Chevrolet - "Baby Cadillac"

1976 Cadillac Mirage (factory authorized Pick-Up)
1958 Cadillac Sixty-Special
1958 Cadillac Sixty-Special
1958 Cadillac Sedan
1958 Cadillac Coupe Deville

brian faull clc#25881

I have the metal cover if that is what you need. I also have the hold down rod and nut if that is needed as well. Let me know. Thanks, Brian. 412 952 6027.
brian faull clc#25881

Ken Perry

Hi,if you are looking for the metal cover I have one, out of a California car. If intereste I will take $40.oo plus shipping for it. Email   Ken Perry
Cadillac Ken


Quote from: brian faull clc#25881 on July 17, 2012, 12:21:36 PM
I have the metal cover if that is what you need. I also have the hold down rod and nut if that is needed as well. Let me know. Thanks, Brian. 412 952 6027.

Hi, yes I need the whole ting, send me an e-mail with a photo of it and price.