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What is my 52 convertible considered to be:

Started by 52Cadillac, September 02, 2012, 09:10:08 AM

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I've seen no ref anywhere as to weather my car is considered to be a Fleetwood or a DeVille, or neither? What is the differences? Fleetwood is larger I believe. My front seat tag on passenger side says Fleetwood. What do the 2 names mean?
Thanks, Mike
(Helping combat injured Marines)


Your car is a sixty two series. Deville convs  started in 1968. The Fleetwood name refers to the Fisher Body Fleetwood plant in Detroit where your cars body from the cowl rearward was built. The body was then trucked to the Cadillac Clark street plant for chassis & front end installation.

Tom Sandstrom  "MRCADY"
Tom Sandstrom CLC#8571


Thanks Tom, appreciate the info.
Would you know, Where the body vin numb is located? I know where it is on the engine, I know of one on chassis, but haven't looked yet. I've not been able to find it in the traditional locations on the body, and the service manual was vague to me.
Thanks, Mike
(Helping combat injured Marines)