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1940 60S tail lights

Started by Hilarius, October 11, 2012, 01:09:41 AM

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Hello fellow Cadillac lovers,

restoring a 1940 Cadillac, 75 model, I am in need of the tail lights which were changed at some time in the past for those of the small series with several holes drilled in the bodies and the wrong plastic lenses implanted.
The restoration and the finding of the parts is quite difficult for me as I am a resident of Berlin, Germany, where such parts are virtually unobtainable. As a member of the CLC I decided to turn to the community to ask for help and maybe a clue as to where to turn to. The tail lights I need were on the 1940 models of the 60 Special and all the 75 and 90 models of that year. Included are two pictures of the lights.
I need either complete tail lights or parts thereof, or just the lenses. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hilmar Schneider #26898
1930-162, "353", 4D-SDN-7P
1940-7567, 2D-CCP-2/4P
1948-7519X, 4D-SDN-5P
1952-6019X, 4D-SDN-5P
1973 Mercedes 107R, 2D-CCP-2P
2015 Cadillac SRX, 4D-SDN-5P


I know I have at least one maybe two if you still interested email me nicktortemail addresses not permitted thanks Nick