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another picture for everyone to see of my resto 57 coupe deville

Started by 57caddy, April 21, 2013, 03:25:45 PM

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N Kahn

gary griffin

Gary Griffin

1940 LaSalle 5029 4 door convertible sedan
1942 Cadillac 6719 restoration almost complete?
1957 Cadillac 60-special (Needs a little TLC)
2013 Cadillac XTS daily driver

(Helping combat injured Marines)

Tony and Ginny 429

Stunning year - color and condition
Just wonderful to view
A lentini
1964 Classic Antique Cadillac convertible De Ville
With comfort control
In my family from day one â€" the keeper
For 55 years



Excellent job David.

The car looks great in that colour although I may be a bit biased in the colour choice.

Ken Francis
Hervey Bay
Queensland, Australia
1957 Series 60 Special Fleetwood
Skype: fleetwood1957