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Wayne Kady.....A TRUE ARTIST

Started by djohnson, March 10, 2013, 01:47:47 PM

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Found these pictures and I had to share.  I am a Huge 67-70 Eldorado Fan & an Admirer of the 80-85 Seville
and Wayne Kady was the main Designer of both.   These Pictures Show the early DNA of Both Cars.
These pictures are from 1965 but you see styling cues that continued for 30-40 years after

C.R. Patton II



You are absolutely correct about Wayne Kady. He designed some of the most wonderful cars for the Standard of the World. Mr. Kady is a member of the CLC Motor City Region. Recently he did a presentation at our meeting displaying his designs and sharing his work experience at General Motors. Moreover, Wayne is a fantastic person.
All good men own a Cadillac but great gentlemen drive a LaSalle. That is the consequence of success.


Wow.  that's great. He is a celebrity in my eyes.  The 67-70 Eldorado was imitated by so many other cars over the years (GM and other brands) that his influence can not be denied.  I hope one day the First front drive Eldo will get its just due (like the Riviera) as one of the Best Classic Cars from the sixties.    Maybe he will make an appearance at the Grand National in Quincy Mass

Bill Podany #19567

I have never understood why GM and other makers never put into production some of those glorious designs, regarded as extreme or two forward.  The artists rendition of that Eldorado Coupe is gorgeous.  Why did GM fool around with only using selective features of design vs. producing the car as originally conceived.  What would happen if Ford replicated the 1957 Thunderbird with 21st Century mechanical and safety equipment; I think they would sell hundreds of thousands if the car was engineered by today's standards of reliability, performance, and handling.

Bill Podany
Knoxville, TN
1941 60 Special Fleetwood
1955 Eldorado


Here's some more