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1959 Series 62 Sedan - garage find complete with matching #s

Started by Blade, February 16, 2013, 01:39:40 PM

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Hello everyone, happy to join this forum as a new owner of a 1959 Series 62 Sedan, it's a 20 year dream for me to own a 1959 Cadillac.

The history of the car as it was passed down to me: the owner purchased it in the late 70s, drove it but kept it in a garage for the most part. Now in his early 90s he decided to pass it down to his son, who really didn't want it so the car has moved out to the yard for the past six month where it sat and was occasionally driven. Finally the last couple of weeks it was put up for sale where I was able to acquire it from. Dug out from the snow and hauled about 60 miles to my house it was finally parked in my garage (where the snow and ice began to melt down) and she is awaiting restoration.

The car is about 98% complete, some chrome pieces and parts have fallen off of it but almost everything is saved in boxes and in the back - how lucky is that? The engine starts and runs good, and the car is drivable. The interior is in good shape, both the front and back seats are in great original condition, just dusty. The roof/trunk/fins have about 40% brown primer and 60% surface rust on them with very solid metal underneath. A couple of rust holes under the rear doors and the usual front bumper spot. Floor seems good, solid but I still have to do a thorough check for everything. I'll post more later as restoration begins.

... another rescued classic.   :)

C.R. Patton II

Welcome Tibor

Congratulations on your acquisition!

I would suggest the following:
(1) National and region membership
(2) Obtain 1959 Cadillac service and shop manuals
(3) Engine compression check
(4) Evaluate gas tank, brake and gas lines, belts, and radiator.

I look forward to meeting and seeing your car at our Grand National in Boston this summer.
All good men own a Cadillac but great gentlemen drive a LaSalle. That is the consequence of success.


Isn't it just the greatest feeling to finally own what you have wanted for so long.
I am currently restoring a 59 - Eldorado - Biarritz (frame off) and I can tell you each hour I put into the restoration is a real gift - both research and turning a wrench.
I enjoy it very much to turn off my mind and turn on my hands.  I am about to send this one off to the upholsterers, and I can't wait to get to the next one.
Best of luck for catching your dream and now it's time to make it your own and shine - polish on.
S. Butcher

N Kahn


Thank you everyone!

Dear C.R.: thank you for the suggestions, I agree with you those are the most important first steps to take. I just found an original factory shop manual on the internet which is a great resource, already studying it. I will definitely also become a club member in the next few weeks and also thank you for the invitation to Boston, hopefully I can join there this summer, I am planning to attend car shows with it.

Thanks N Kahn! Yes it's a 'lucky find' with mostly solid body and complete matching numbers and parts. Definitely will save time and money during the restoration process.

Thanks, you're absolutely right, I need to stop just marveling its design and start working on it.  :)  It's a bit cold up here yet  but in a few weeks I can roll her out on the driveway and give her a good scrub and start evaluating things. For this year I am only planning a partial restoration but next year a frame off. In the mean time I would also like to enjoy driving it around a bit.

Can you tell how you came across the 'ultimate 59' the Biarritz? Have any pictures as you found it? You are very lucky to have that beauty!  And if you ever consider a trade with a Sedan, let me know ... you don't need a convertible, just messes up your hair when driving with the top down ... ;)


When you write - it is still cold up here - where is up here.
I am in southern California where convertibles are a must.  And as for the hair blowing - yes it's a problem with my creative comb over - gotta look young in Cally.

I have been very fortunate to have found several 59 Eldo Biarritz.
I am constantly looking on Craig's List - nationally, along with subscribing to auto hobby magazines like Hemmings, and indelicately becoming an EBay "whore".
Over the last 6 weeks or so there have been several Eldo "project" cars for sale on EBay.  Each one has its unique challenges in restoration, to test your commitment, knowledge, stamina, and check book.  Eldo's are like land, they don't make it any more.
Perhaps the most productive ways of finding not only cars but parts as well, is membership in clubs such as this.  There are allot of very knowledgeable members with lots of experience coming from hands on, who are eager to offer their advice.
S. Butcher


Congrats! I just purchased my '49 recently as well. I look forward to the journey. Post more pics when you can.
"Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right." - Abraham Lincoln


Thank you MB, do you also have some pics? It would be interesting to see how your project starts out!

We're up in Minnesota which means about 4-5 more weeks of cold weather ... :(

Your work on these cars sounds very interesting, hopefully someday I will also get to a convertible but I feel very lucky finding this sedan as well.
I am surprised there are still so many Eldorado project cars and that you were able to find several in just six weeks; I thought all have been found and restored long ago. Are you just buying and restoring convertibles or also some of the coupes? And are you selling these or keeping them as one collection?
Understand about being more and more difficult to find original parts and that is also why my first priority is to get the missing parts and complete the car. As I mentioned before I am grateful that the owner put away almost all the parts that have fallen off during the years (and decades) which makes the hunt less time consuming and can save a budget for a frame off restoration quicker.
Next month for sure I am also going to become a member of the club, by reading through many of the posts on the forum I have to agree there are many very knowledgeable people here and hope I can also offer some advice or share information if somebody need any.


brian faull clc#25881

Congratulations, nothing better than getting your first 59 Cadillac!!  If you need any parts or advice let me know. Thanks, Brian, 412 952 6027.
brian faull clc#25881


Sorry, I must not have made myself clear.
I did not buy my cars over the last 6 weeks.  Rather, over the last several weeks there have been several convertibles and Biarritz project cars for sale on EBay.

An unsolicited opinion - if you intend to restore more than the sedan in the future, buy parts out ahead of your immediate need.  They are not likely to be cheaper in the future and will surely be harder to find - which delays the restoration.
Since I have focused on a particular year and type of car, it has worked out well for me.
S. Butcher


Quote from: brian faull clc#25881 on February 22, 2013, 01:12:23 PM
Congratulations, nothing better than getting your first 59 Cadillac!!  If you need any parts or advice let me know. Thanks, Brian, 412 952 6027.

Thanks Brian, I saved your phone number and email.


Any developments on your restoration? I am about to begin mine, it is also a 59 series 62 sedan, but a 4 window, vs your 6 window sedan.
1959 Series 62 4 Window Sedan

Always loved Cadillacs.


Hi Ricardo, I also just replied to you at your other posting.

Yes, I am doing a slow restoration of mine, currently tearing the interiour out, polishing the chrome pieces and planning to pull out and rebuild the transmission, probably the next couple of weeks - already got the rebuilding kit. The body work probably will be delayed till next year but at least I'll start preparing it.

Are you also going to start restoring yours right away? I see you're in Mexico, not sure how hard it is to find parts over there but if you need any recommendations I can suggest some places here in the U.S. Also there are some people on the forum who can find missing parts for you, let me know and I can hook you up with some.
