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1939 Lasalle Ashtray

Started by 19395027, April 15, 2013, 07:27:42 PM

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I own a 1939 Lasalle 5027, and recently discovered that the front ashtray was missing! 

I would appreciate anyone having one to call me, or post a responce.  Thank you,

Greg Chapman
Yorktown, Texas

C.R. Patton II

Hello Greg

Great to read you are improving your 5027. Try contacting Bruce Berghoff for the ashtray.

Please keep us abreast of the status of your nice LaSalle. I look forward to meeting you at the Grand National in Boston this summer. Thanks
All good men own a Cadillac but great gentlemen drive a LaSalle. That is the consequence of success.



I called Bruce but unfortunately he didn't have one.  Called Z in Worcheser, MA., and neither did he.  I'll keep looking.  Thanks you, regards,

Greg Chapman