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Gratitude for Joe Culter

Started by C.R. Patton II, October 21, 2013, 08:16:16 PM

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C.R. Patton II


Last Friday at my place of employment a coworker approached me with a tale of her buddy who was selling an old car. Knowing that this coworker is usually a nincapoop I dismissed her fable. Today she walked up and sang music to my ears. "My buddy has reduced the price on that old Cadillac". Placing a Paul Ayres look on my face I calmly asked, "What year is it". She responded by calling her buddy then handing me the her phone. The gentleman was timid but indicated the vehicle was a 1948 Cadillac that he had owned for 30 years and paid for an engine rebuild ten years ago. My next question was the quizzical, "On a scale from 1 to 6 what would you rate your car? His reply was a #6 but it runs.

The gentleman provided the address and an appointment time. I was a little dejected because the car was not a LaSalle. Two thoughts went through my mind. Preparation and safety.  I wanted to prepare by contacting someone knowledgeable and trustworthy. CLC member Joe Culter is a humble expert with this vintage. I gave him a call and he equipped me with the key elements that I needed to assess this automobile. The next item on my list was safety. Looking at the address of the neighborhood I took my little friend with me for safety.

As I arrived at the domecile I looked in the frontyard garage and there it was...1948 Cadillac 6269. The gentleman brought out the #6 vehicle. Joe had prepped me on issues of this era model. Sure enough the gentleman's name must have been Barney Rubble. Every detail that Joe said would be a problem was. I am truly grateful to be a CLC member to have knowledgeable helpful people that are willing to assist.
All good men own a Cadillac but great gentlemen drive a LaSalle. That is the consequence of success.


G. A. Wright
Restitutio ad integrum!!!

C.R. Patton II

All good men own a Cadillac but great gentlemen drive a LaSalle. That is the consequence of success.