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1954 Cadillac fender and door stainless moulds wanted.

Started by bongo7777, March 18, 2014, 10:19:55 PM

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54 Cadillac stainless trim mold for the passenger fender and door wanted.  I need really good ones so I am happy to pay good prices.
Melbourne, Australia.
Graham Waddingham.
1941 Cadillac Sedanette, 1942 Sedanette, 1955 Fleetwood, 1955 Meteor Hearse,
1956 Sedan DeVille, 1956 Fleetwood 75, 1956 Eldorado,
1957 Fleetwood, 1957 Eldorado, 1958 Fleetwood 75 series, 1959 75 Limousine, 1960 Flat Top, 1960 Limousine, 1960 Fleetwood, 1960 convertible. 1953 Cadillac 75 Imperial Derham, 1949 Cadillac Imperial,

Michel Ouellette

Hi Graham, have you tried .,  ., Michel