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WTB 59/60 Conv quarter window regulators

Started by jeremy9146, October 05, 2014, 12:49:41 PM

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Looking to purchase both left and right rear quarter window regulators. 

Thanks Jeremy Weiss
Jeremy Weiss Bridgewater, NJ
Current collection of Cadillac’s
1953 Eldorado
1959 Eldorado Biarritz

Ken Perry

I have these off a 59 Cad convert. I want $125 each plus shipping. Let me know if you are interested.Ken Perry
Cadillac Ken

Quentin Hall

Maybe just doubly check on those Ken and Jeremy. Maybe put a tentative "hold" on them. Price is good Ken. I thought 57/58 had the round motors. 59/60 has rectangular. I have both here so perhaps a bit later I will check. Q
53 Eldo #319
53 Eldo #412.
53 Eldo #433
57 Biarritz
53 series 62 conv
39 Sixty Special Custom
57 Biarritz

Ken Perry

They looked just like the ones on a 60 convert that was here,except for the round motors.I think some 59s came with rectangular motors and some round. The build date is on one says,AUG 1 1958,so would be a early 59 Cadillac . The new cars came out in AUG back then. When I was young working at a wrecking yard they tought me that anything starting the 8th month on is concidered the next year car.  I know I have 59s with round power vent motors and some with rectangular ones. I believe all the cars 58 back had round motors.  That would be great if you could look at yours and let us know what you see. Thanks Ken Perry
Cadillac Ken

Ken Perry

Sorry the regulators have been sold. Didn't mean to be a tease!Good luck in your serch. Ken Perry
Cadillac Ken


Wow...... I guess i still need them.....

Thanks Jeremy Weiss
Jeremy Weiss Bridgewater, NJ
Current collection of Cadillac’s
1953 Eldorado
1959 Eldorado Biarritz

Quentin Hall

53 Eldo #319
53 Eldo #412.
53 Eldo #433
57 Biarritz
53 series 62 conv
39 Sixty Special Custom
57 Biarritz

Ken Perry

They were offered here before and one of the guys I had talked to before,decided now was a good time to buy them! I try to be fair as possible,The first one that speaks for something I have for sale or the first one I offer something to gets it. Just doing the best I can and trying to help some people find parts . :-\ Ken Perry 
Cadillac Ken