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Tri power

Started by SwedGustav, February 06, 2015, 09:33:53 AM

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Hi. I just bought a 1959 Cadillac Eldorado Biarittz. I need a complete Tri Power set up with the distriburator. I´m from Sweden in Europé and I  got a shipping adress in Compton LA. Please help. Thanks Anders

Ken Perry

Hi,Anders. I know where a tri power set up is,with air cleaner,but would have to check if it has distributor. Ken Perry 
Cadillac Ken


S. Butcher


Nice find.
Please keep it in original configuration :-)

It's a great model ...
Witch color ?
1958 Eldorado Seville, body 481
1956 Eldorado Seville, body 1968
1958 Eldorado Seville, body 612 (parts car)
Member of : 1958 Cadillac Owner Association
CLC # 29119
1956 Packard Four Hundred Coupe, body 3002
1956 Packard Caribbean hardtop, body 81

Ken Perry

He has tri power distributor. If you are interested in the tri power set up Email  Ken Perry
Cadillac Ken