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Looking for rear sump oil pan for 1968-1977 Eldorado, CLC member # 29454

Started by Charles Peck, October 26, 2015, 08:07:04 PM

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Charles Peck

Looking for a 1968- 1977 rear sump oil pan for an Eldorado...if anyone out there has a spare one, let me know what you want for it....

Chuck Peck
CLC # 29454
(512) 587-3006

"Cadillac Kid" Greg Surfas 15364

Cadillac Kid-Greg Surfas
Director Modified Chapter CLC
CLC #15364
66 Coupe deVille (now gone to the UK)
72 Eldo Cpe  (now cruising the sands in Quatar)
73 Coupe deVille
75 Coupe deElegance
76 Coupe deVille
79 Coupe de ville with "Paris" (pick up) option and 472 motor
514 inch motor now in '73-