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1949 U-pipe between exhaust manifolds

Started by johnwalker, December 16, 2015, 12:26:02 PM

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Looking for a source for a new one, NOS, or a very nice used one. Goes between the left and right exhaust manifolds under the oil pan. thanks, john walker 206 seven89 six800  jwworkshopat aoldottcomm
1949 6207
1950 6137
1940 6019S 3 window coupe
1948 olds 98 sedanette
1947 diamond t pickup
1930 model a roadster/392 hemi
1949 cadillac woodie (was a buick)
1933 chrysler royal 8 3 window coupe
1977 930
1987 911 cab widebody
1969 911E


1949 6207
1950 6137
1940 6019S 3 window coupe
1948 olds 98 sedanette
1947 diamond t pickup
1930 model a roadster/392 hemi
1949 cadillac woodie (was a buick)
1933 chrysler royal 8 3 window coupe
1977 930
1987 911 cab widebody
1969 911E


Got one.  It is from a recently purchased exhaust kit.  Not been on  a car.  Interested? Let me know.  $40.00 plus shipping.