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Started by Barry M Wheeler #2189, June 25, 2016, 01:20:44 PM

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Barry M Wheeler #2189

I have just received three quite scathing personal messages in my response to a post yesterday by a person discussing judging procedures. Even though I thought (personally) that both posters presented the subject quite well, and that (in my personal opinion) that the subject deserved consideration, unfortunately, given our present guidelines, we do not allow discussion of CLC judging on the Forum. Period.

The fact that an authentic tire for a CLC eligible auto is not available SHOULD be addressed (in my opinion) but not here. All you have to do is contact the chief judge. in fact, I intend to contact him myself, as I feel that if an owner presently cannot purchase the correct tire for a specific year, then it is a subject that needs to be attended to by Mr. Anderson and his staff.

As the person did send his retorts in "Personal" messages, I wish to address two of the subjects he brought up, and ask his forgiveness in doing so. He said that "I don't even have a collector car." I presently own a 1979 Fleetwood Brougham, and a 1981 Seville, both Senior Cars.

He also mentioned work that he had done for the CLC in the past. Such carefully researched work is always valuable to the Club, and is greatly appreciated. If you haven't been thanked in a while for this work, I do so now.

Believe it or not, I thought for some time before hitting "post" with my response. I also called another, more senior administrator asking for his guidance and whether the post should stand. (He even stepped away from watching a Cubs game, to show what importance he gives to his post.) He agreed that the post should be locked and I did so.

Your administrators derive no pleasure in making unpopular choices. We try to give all of you the most latitude possible in your discussions. I have already mentioned that I personally feel that the issue brought up needs to be promptly addressed. However, discussing it on the Forum would lead no where and simply become inflammatory without being able to come to a successful conclusion. 

Thank you. Barry Wheeler.

Barry M. Wheeler #2189

1981 Cadillac Seville
1991 Cadillac Seville


Mr Wheeler,
Where can one go to find the rules of judging while trying to correctly restore a car? I think a link that we can go to if there is one would be helpful and also keep the discussion about judging minimal to the forum. My two cents
1958 Extended Deck 62 Sedan SOLD
1960 Coupe - current project
USCG Vet - Fly CG!

Eric DeVirgilis CLC# 8621

Quote from: Skwerly62 on June 25, 2016, 03:40:10 PM
Mr Wheeler,
Where can one go to find the rules of judging while trying to correctly restore a car? I think a link that we can go to if there is one would be helpful and also keep the discussion about judging minimal to the forum. My two cents

Click on the tab all the way to the right of the upper row titled "Judging/Tech".
A Cadillac Motorcar is a Possession for which there is no Acceptable Substitute