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rear springs

Started by lishka, February 19, 2017, 09:37:26 PM

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how do you remove the front bushing of the rear leaf spring on a 56 Cadillac that has been rusting for years thank you


Id imagine the same way any old rusty stuff is removed, with a torch, a big hammer, and ALL of the cuss words.  8)

Aerokroil is good stuff, impact wrench, hammer.   Keep at it.

I have a small bolt on my mantel inside as a trophy.  It was bolted down on the inside of my bench seat in my 50 cadillac since installed in the factory.  Terrible access for heat, or even a wrench because the floor raised around it.  Too tight for a socket.  Anyhow, I ended up using lots of lube, and a sharp chisel, knocking the edge of the bolt with the chisel and hammer as to "walk" it out.  Took me 3 evenings and I FINALLY got it.  I wanted to save the threads so I could rebolt the bench down when I was done repairing the floorboards. 

Patience.  Persistence.
1950 series 61 sedan
1956 coupe de ville