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Fender stone guards 1942- 61, 63 or 67 series or 1946 05 47 61 series.

Started by gary griffin, March 14, 2017, 07:48:27 PM

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gary griffin

Part numbers 144-4432 and-144-4432                 61 series from 1942 to 1947 and                                61, 63, and 67 series 1942,

I am looking for the metal and the rubber parts.
Gary Griffin

1940 LaSalle 5029 4 door convertible sedan
1942 Cadillac 6719 restoration almost complete?
1957 Cadillac 60-special (Needs a little TLC)
2013 Cadillac XTS daily driver


gary griffin

Just a bump, I would still like to find a pair of these with good rubber, or find a place that will install correct rubber on the ones I have.
Gary Griffin

1940 LaSalle 5029 4 door convertible sedan
1942 Cadillac 6719 restoration almost complete?
1957 Cadillac 60-special (Needs a little TLC)
2013 Cadillac XTS daily driver