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Need help determining how to attach power steering pump

Started by midwestisbest, August 17, 2017, 11:26:22 PM

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I purchased a power steering pump for my '60 Cadillac Sedan Deville.

Can someone tell me where it's supposed to attach to the engine block? (Photo attached)


Those two holes on the top of your image fit onto the thermostat housing. Drivers side. The others bolt to water-pump. one large hole (kick stand) bracket to cylinder head bolt, looks missing in image. 1/2 Spacers were also used to space the pump correctly at water pump. (Maybe only Earlier years?)


Thank you very much. That clears that up. The car is a '60 but the engine & trans is a '62. And I was able to find a '62 shop manual online that stated the same info.

I received a pile of brackets with my '60 Cadillac and maybe someone can point out the correct rear bracket for the steering pump. See photo:


Lower right appears to go to cyl head (drivers) also a tube bracket is a kickstand to the intake manifold from rear of pump.