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Estate auction

Started by kevinanderson, November 14, 2017, 09:40:57 AM

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There is an estate auction coming up in Fremont, Nebraska with a 41 Cadillac and 40 Mercury.
Dick Wikert Estate by Just noticed a small ad in the weekly shopper.  No ties. Just sharing. Never seen the cars out or shown locally. Didn't no they even existed.

James Landi

Is that car possibly ORIGINAL--  seventy-seven years old--- inside and out?  What price would it garner if so?   (I'm lusting in my heart--- don't dare even share with Mrs. Landi--) 

Happy day,


Barry M Wheeler #2189

The kick panels look a little wrong. That puffy larger section is not quite right. But on the whole, it's pretty authentic. The back up lamp looks about two inches too high, too. Although you could ask for it just about any way, the cream colored welt on the seat is not quite Kosher as well. Pretty well done and a very nice car.
Barry M. Wheeler #2189

1981 Cadillac Seville
1991 Cadillac Seville

Steve Passmore

As nice as that car is I certainly don't believe the mileage or that it's all original. For one I can't see the Vitreous would burn all off the manifold to a degree that it needed painting with such low mileage and there has been a discussion here recently on what the visors should look like and that poor edge finish on those is definitely not correct.

1937 60 convertible coupe
1941 62 convertible coupe
1941 62 coupe

1936 70 Sport coupe
1937 85 series V12 sedan
1938 60 coupe
1938 50 coupe
1939 60S
1940 62 coupe
1941 62 convertible coupe x2
1941 61 coupe
1941 61 sedan x2
1941 62 sedan x2
1947 62 sedan
1959 62 coupe


Sold for 26k.  Had repaint and repairs. Ran great. Very nice driver quality.

Bob Hoffmann CLC#96

What did the 40 Merc conv. go for??
Thanks, Bob
1968 Eldorado slick top ,white/red interior
2015 Holden Ute HSV Maloo red/black interior.
Too much fun is more than you can have.

Maynard Krebs

Too bad that said Merc was not the only-year-only convertible sedan!
I've seen one at shows in Southern New England:  a rare car.


You know, I forget. It was a lot nicer than the cadillac though. I think it was less than the cadillac.  Same buyer. Ill do some checking tomorrow.


Mercury brought 26k also. Same buyer. What do think? Dealer?