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1937 1938 hubcap medallions

Started by boothandco, February 23, 2018, 10:25:55 PM

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I am thinking about having hubcap medallions made as Bill Hirsh no longer has them.  How many would be interested in buying in to the production.  It will reduce the price for all of us
Chad Booth

1937 Series 75
1999 Fleetwood Limited
1976 GMC Motorhome
1989 Sixty Special
Reformed Lincoln 4 door convertible owner.

1937 LaSalle coupe

Hi Chad. I wouldn't mind having a set for my '37 LaSalle. John C. Lehman ... CLC # 26365...

Paul Tesone

I'll take a set . Paul Tesone CLC # 6876

John Washburn CLC 1067 Sadly deceased.


I would like a couple, as spares, for my 38 Cad.

The Johnny
John Washburn
CLC #1067
1937 LaSalle Coupe
1938 6519F Series Imperial Sedan
1949 62 Series 4 Door
1949 60 Special Fleetwood
1953 Coupe DeVille
1956 Coupe DeVille
1992 Eldorado Touring Coupe America Cup Series

Barry M Wheeler #2189

By the time my car came around in '91, the DorGuards were body color. I had a couple of chips in the driver's door on the guards and I found that Testor's Candy Apple Red was a near match. (Close enough that it was not worth spending $25-$30 for a pint of the "correct" color from the body shop supply place.) I had found the Testor's that I had bought and never used for hub cap (Sorry, WHEEL cover) medallions.

(OK, now one of you experts chime in on when Cadillac started using body color Dor-Guards...)
Barry M. Wheeler #2189

1981 Cadillac Seville
1991 Cadillac Seville

harvey b

I might be interested in a set as well,any idea as to how much they will be,and when they might be available?. Harveyb
Harvey Bowness