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Started by JC Boutin, May 12, 2018, 09:16:18 AM

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JC Boutin

NEED A CADILLAC OR LASALLE  1937-39 DISTRIBUTOR in very good condition.

IF I am wright the number on the tag is 1110604


JC Boutin

1937 LaSalle coupe

Hi JC. I might have a 656-G dist. for a '37 LaSalle. Do you need the tower also ? John C. Lehman CLC # 26365...

1937 LaSalle coupe

Hi JC. Just looked at my 665-G dist. Guy I bought it off of said it was rebuilt. No play in shaft and has green paint marks where assembled. I would rather sell the tower with the dist. Have any extra '37 LaSalle parts to trade  ?  John C. Lehman , CLC # 26365...

JC Boutin

Hi John,

Please send me some pictures with serial tag at my

How much do you ask for it


JC Boutin

1937 LaSalle coupe

Hi JC. I don't do pictures. No scanner or a camera good enough to take close ups. Distributor is for a '37 LaSalle. # 665-G. As stated before, looks rebuilt. Including a new points breaker plate. If you are not satisfied return dist. and I will give your money back less shipping. Distributor and tower price is $150.00 plus about $20.00 shipping... Thanks ... John C. Lehman... CLC # 26365...

Carl Fielding

J.C. As I have recommended, buy this distributor now. This is a typical price from a realistic friend. John, this is a standard replacement solution for the biodegradable distributors on model 314 Cadillacs, 1926 & 1927. Look great, run better.   -  Carl

1937 LaSalle coupe