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ELVIS found living in Australia - Read all about it in FINZ Mag of NZ, Aug Ed

Started by FINZ Editor New Zealand, July 20, 2018, 10:12:55 PM

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FINZ Editor New Zealand

Greetings from The Cadillac La Salle Club of New Zealand (Inc)

Hello everyone and welcome to a special ELVIS issue featuring the cool ‘Rad Cad’ of Tony and Tan (Tania) Ziino from the CLC in Melbourne. If you’re like me, a BIG Elvis fan, you’ll love reading about Tony and viewing the photo-spread of his fabulous red ’59.

This issue is another bumper size simply because we are blessed with so much to input this month that also features…

•   Part Two of Ron (Zahn) and Chris’ NZ Road Trip including a look at their NZ photo album
•   More from the recent Ozzie Caddy Nats plus lots of great photos
•   What else the Taranaki Region got up to recently
•   The Bullitt Movie chase revisited
•   Another episode of our fabulous ‘Retro-re-run’ of the cartoon series, ‘Cardillac Arrest!’
•   Registration FORM for our upcoming NZ CLC Cadillac Nationals, October 2018 here in Tauranga known as ‘The Diamond Event’
•   And as always lots of photos and colour…!

Thanks everyone (or as Elvis would say “Thank ya, thank ya very much!); keep the articles and photos coming, for that’s what a good club magazine is all about ~ members support! Ed

Keep warm you Kiwis knowing its more or less than 5-weeks to the first day of Spring â€" woohoo!

And last but not least, our thoughts are with all those northern hemisphere members enduring heat waves (too hot to go for a cruise for some) and forest/ bush fires. Maybe we down-under will get a repeat of another hot summer coming up? Until next month,

Yours sincerely
Ron Melville, Editor of FINZ (‘Fins’) - Monthly magazine of
The Cadillac La Salle Club of New Zealand (Inc.) and
Recipient of the Yann Saunders International Activity Award â€" 2013 and the Maurice Hendry Award â€" 2015 and International Newsletter Excellence Award â€" 2015
Winner 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015 & 2016 ~ ‘Old Cars Golden Quill Awards’
FINZ (‘Fins’) â€" is the Monthly magazine of
The Cadillac La Salle Club of New Zealand (Inc.)
Delivered the ‘eco-friendly way’ to your nominated email address
finzmagazineemail addresses not permitted  99 Santa Monica Drive, Papamoa 3118,
New Zealand.  Ph +64-7-557-8090
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