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1956 Cadillac Coupe (not deville) seat set & 1957 coupe front seat

Started by carguyblack, May 16, 2019, 03:29:24 PM

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These seat have been sitting out in the elements for a few years now. The 1956 coupe front and rear are usable frames. Covering is obviously shot. I don't see rot but need a blast to clean up. The 1957 front seat is worse but I think still usable as a frame. No power seat mechanisms in either. Wanted to put these out there in case of a need before they waste away or get recycled. Located near Kalamazoo, Michigan. Will entertain any offer. Like Staples, I'm easy.
Chuck Dykstra

1956 Sedan DeVille
1956 Coupe DeVille (2 sold)
1957 Oldsmobile 98 (sold)
1989 Bonneville SSE