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power antenna

Started by Georges63cad, May 16, 2019, 07:00:00 PM

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Hello to all, well, my power antenna went ca-put. It went up maybe half way and stopped, it would not go down. All it did was stay there and make a clicking sound. Looking to have it rebuilt but need an estimate first. If I can afford to have it done I will ship it with the mast part in a pvc tube so there will be no chance of it getting bent. I'm sure someone out there rebuilds them or knows someone that can. Thanks guys.


George, call Jack or Chrystal at Cartech. (317) 791-0688 in Indianapolis. He did EXCELLENT work for my 56 antenna- had a broken mast and bad motor. 
Good luck, Rich N.


Thanks Rich, I'll do that.


Hi Rich, just thought you would like to know I called Cartech. Jack was very nice, explained a few things to me and gave me a price I could afford. While I was talking to him I mentioned your name. I told him how happy you were with his services and you were the one that recommended that I call him, he was very happy about that. Well, he should get it today and he will let me know if there is anything wrong with it besides a broken nylon cable. Thanks again Rich for your help and have a great weekend, George

russ austin

A new antenna is 110.00 and I'll rebuild it for 50.00 plus return shipping.

Contact me at 