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Wanted: Drivers Door Power Lock Unit for 1975 Eldorado

Started by KWirth, November 05, 2019, 09:19:01 AM

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I’m looking for a driver door power lock unit for my 1975 Eldorado.  I removed the frozen unit from inside the door and it’s frozen.  I attempted to loosen it with WD-40 which worked on the passenger side but have been unsuccessful.  If anyone has this unit please let me know.  Thanks

Cadillac Fleetwood

Forty-Five Years of Continuous Cadillac Ownership
1970 Fleetwood Brougham
1969 DeVille Convertible
1989 Fleetwood

"The splendor of the most special occasion is rivaled only by the pleasure of journeying there in a Cadillac"


I have one, tested, $30 plus ride from 85004. Dry Arizona