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WANTED - 1964 de Ville Convertible

Started by MikeVogler, October 11, 2020, 01:10:48 AM

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I'm looking to buy a 1964 Cadillac de Ville Convertible.  I had one in the late 80s-90's and it was stolen and stripped.  I loved that car and have missed it.  It's time to get another one.  Ideally, I would like one with Climate Control, and cruise control.. but it may not be possible and I am open to all options.

Mike Vogler


Search all the classic car sites and current auctions, but don't buy over the internet.   Go inspect anything and compare prices, consult price guides before you take the plunge.   Get a mechanic or appraiser, if not your expertise.
I've seen several in the past few months, but not on my target list.   
Memories and emotional ties have sunk many a classic car dream.   Realty check;They're 50+ years old now, vs 30+ then and you changed since then as well.