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37 LaSalle opera seats

Started by bpowell, November 13, 2021, 02:06:14 PM

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Can some one tell me, or supply a picture, that shows how the upper potion of the opera seat back cushions are supposed to be retained?

My cushions have wire type clips, but I can't make sense of how they are supposed to be engaged with the structure below the rear windows.


Bill Powell


   My interior is dis-assembled so can't post a photo today. I'll try to get some pics of the seat cushion for you next week. The cushion has a lever on it that holds it up and engages a tab that mates with a slotted bracket that goes on the rear panel. Thus you lift the lever up to dis-engage the cushion/tab from its home, and then push the lever down to re-engage. Look at the back panel on your coupe and you should see the slotted bracket that holds the tab.
   Post a photo showing your  precise question please, as I may not be deciphering what it is you are looking for.


Thanks for the reply. I got it figured out. It was the side cushions that were giving me the problem. The upper "retainers", for lack of a better word, were so bent up they didn't make any sense. After I straightened them out, I was able to determine how they were supposed to go.

Thank You again,



   Show us a photo of the car in progress and tell us what you're doing. Mine is
coming together better than ever, body in the shop and chassis just about done, just have to finish up the radiator/AC condenser, fans. Then it's on to the
   Speaking of the interior I am trying to figure out how much I am going to have to spend to get it done, and where.