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69 Coupe brake booster

Started by MH69Coupe, November 10, 2023, 11:25:07 AM

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My brake fluid is leaking around brake booster. I suspect brake booster has failed. I have read on the forum folks have recommended to also check mast cylinder leak that can accelerate brake booster failure.

First is there an alternate part I can but to replace my existing factory brake booster without any modifications? I saw Cardone on Rock Auto saying it is OE specs.

Also if changing both which master cylinder to buy. Appreciate some help.


The master cylinder is failing/has failed, not necessarily the booster. If you google 1969 brake master cylinder you will find dozens of them from all over - ebay, amazon, rockauto, advance, autozone, o'rielly, etc etc. A failed booster seal may create a vacuum that could suck brake fluid past the seals in the master cylinder causing the leak. Only way to see what you've got going on is to remove them. The remanufactured boosters specific to the vehicle should work no problem.
-----Dan B.
'57 Cadillac Sedan Deville 6239DX
'81 DMC DeLorean

Michael Petti

You may want to consider rebuilding them both. Your original cores are probably better than anything from our favorite overseas supplier. On my 60, the rebuilder even bled the master cylinder and booster together which was the correct procedure. Have had no problems for three years now.