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2040 Parts?

Started by David Greenburg, April 30, 2024, 04:21:48 PM

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David Greenburg

No, not looking for stuff for a car 16 years in the future.  But this outfit pops up in various search for parts.  Looks like a bulletin board for random people to post parts for  sale, which also sounds like a great opportunity for fraud and scams. Does anyone have any experience one way or the other with them?  Feel free to email or DM if you'd like. 
David Greenburg
'60 Eldorado Seville
'61 Fleetwood Sixty Special

Eric DeVirgilis CLC# 8621

I don't know what the deal is with that site. To this day it continues to show images of a car I sold on eBay nine years ago.
A Cadillac Motorcar is a Possession for which there is no Acceptable Substitute


Same here. When I was searching for my current Cadillac 4 years ago I often found cars listed that had sold years earlier
1955 Cadillac Series 75
1957 Continental Mark II
1986 Ford F250

David Greenburg

I'm just looking at parts, but that does not sound like a good omen. Other than the town where the item is located, there is no information about who you are actually dealing with. So I think I'll look elsewhere.
David Greenburg
'60 Eldorado Seville
'61 Fleetwood Sixty Special


Its a data mining site.
It gathers your info with cool car bait.
I made a list of scam car sites on the forum two years ago.
They all want info.
Lifetime CLC


Danger Will Robinson...
"Cadillac" Mike