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1939 LaSalle Coupe: several parts needed: 15" rim, Radio etc.

Started by topdog1211, May 31, 2024, 12:10:33 PM

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I am currently looking to locate and purchase the following parts:
  • 2 struts that support the trunk lid
  • Hood support coil strings
  • Radio
  • 15" rim
Thank you in advance for any assistance in locating these parts.
Jerry (topdog1211)

Brad Ipsen CLC #737

Your car had 16" rims originally, but 41 15" rims will fit if you want to go in that direction.  If you are just needing one 16" rim, I may be able to help on that.  Email
Brad Ipsen
1940 Cadillac 60S
1938 Cadillac 9039
1940 Cadillac 6267
1940 LaSalle 5227
1949 Cadillac 6237X
1940 Cadillac 60S Limo