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On the subjects of Taste and Old F**ts

Started by Randall Ayers McGrew CLC # 17963, January 02, 2005, 07:49:47 PM

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Randall Ayers McGrew CLC # 17963

Gentlement, and Ladies...please forgive my use of the latter term but I have had this thrust in my face too many times, whether by intention or not, raising my ire.  Taste is completely subjective.  Most of us have chosen the Cadillac La Salle Club because we love the marques.  Many of us love the older cars, for whatever reasons, prompting us to bask in the warm glow of rememberance or idle away the hours playing with the mechanics.  Some of us like the new Cadillacs (new being relative, of course) whether talking about the 1970s or those just out on new tires under the Cadillac 2005 marquee.

Whatever your pet love or peeve there is absolutely no reason to be insulting.
Even in jest, it propagates the general scism between the younger and older generations, something in our devisively split society we do not need.  

Personally, as many of you know, I do not care for the new cars.  

Why?  Because they have no special flavour other than expense to drive them.

Colors, material and textures have given way to doudy taups and greys with an indescriminate strip of wood-like substance.  Chrome is absent except as a foil, and the general shapes inspire little more than bemused indifference.  I have sat in a new (last years De Ville) Cadillac and a new Malibu and came away with an impression that both were essentially the same, and the Malibu was impressive as to how much they could squeeze into its relatively small shape.  The Cadillac made me feel like I had put on a 2 ton coat!  No leg room, no head room (I had to take off my hat) and every surface seemed to press into me like a Miata.  I dont know about you, but I expect a better impression from a 50K + price tag.  I do not think a truck suffices as a replacement.  I own one...its a truck. It serves as a truck. Stick an impressive badge on it, layer it in leather, and bedeck it with electric finery, it comes away still a truck.  

I could care less if the engine is better or the drive train could pull a train.  It doesnt need to do just needs to move the car, and that has been done a long while ago.  

As I said, this is my opinion.  I am 48....hardly an old fart.  Educated, well travelled and relatively well off (something of a feat given my disabilities).  I like things that are special.  Grand, and in some respects, unique if they are not so rare.  I like images of rarety and vision...the girl with the pearl ear ring rather than say Guernica (although it is without a doubt brilliant as it is disturbing); an IM Pei structure over the Sears Tower...or Bauhaus rather than US Homes.  Call me what you will, but do not dismiss me as a crank  just because I do not fit your modern mode.  

I joined this club because I wanted to be with like minds on Cadillacs.  We can enjoy the new as well as the old but in particular it is with the special qualities of the past that are by everyones count long gone.  Should we moarn them?  I see no reason to do so.  I would rather enjoy the qualities we see and love for what they are as we too will disappear.  If the direction of the club goes beyond the old they so be it.  Times pass...all things pass.  There is nothing wrong with that.  And I say, let the others in the future dream if they so choose or not for what it is worth.  I intend to enjoy my cars and those I love.  It is as with most things, a purely personal experience that if I can share, I shall.  The rest can go hang.  Happy New Year!

Michael Stamps 19507

I like Cadillacs and LaSalles of all years.  Of course I have my favorites but I wouldnt say that Im a newer car lover or an older car lover.  I like everything from the CTS-V to the classic V-16s.  But does this mean you want me to stop bashing the 59 owners for their fins?




"Whatever your pet love or peeve there is absolutely no reason to be insulting. Even in jest, it propagates the general scism between the younger and older generations, something in our devisively split society we do not need."

I havent seen any of this "insulting behaviour"!  I have seen very interesting and stimulating dialogue between posters concerning their likes and dislikes about Cadillacs throughout the years.  For the record I am 60, and guess I fit the description of being an old fart, which I find not offensive at all.


I am 48....hardly an old fart. Educated, well travelled and relatively well off (something of a feat given my disabilities). I like things that are special. Grand, and in some respects, unique if they are not so rare. I like images of rarety and vision...the girl with the pearl ear ring rather than say Guernica (although it is without a doubt brilliant as it is disturbing); an IM Pei structure over the Sears Tower...or Bauhaus rather than US Homes."

Thanks for the short bio on yourself, but the message board is really about the cars, not the owners, and the greatness and sophistication they have attained in life.


"Call me what you will, but do not dismiss me as a crank just because I do not fit your modern mode."

Did someone call you an old crank, or are just paranoid that someone will?


"I joined this club because I wanted to be with like minds on Cadillacs."

Sounds as though when you say "like minds" you mean people that think exactly like yourself.  Now wouldnt that be boring if we all thought alike?  Yes we all basically have a fondness for Cadillacs, but being individuals we all have different tastes and opinions about Cadillacs through the years.  We are not mindless to think "All" Cadillacs are the best there is or was.

Randall Ayers McGrew CLC # 17963

Nah Stampie...thats the whole point.  Go for it!!!  Im not sure I care for them either but they certainly make a statement!  

I have done some work on th e77 and am quite happy with it.  Hope all is well with you and yours!  Talk with you soon.

Michael Stamps 19507

I dont know if you saw my post about Corys 70 SDV that I gave him but I was wondering what tuning you might have done to the 77?  A basicly Stampie tune takes about 30 minutes but does alter the car from stock.  Easy to reverse though.  Let me know what you have done and maybe we can get you a little better performance out of her.


Mick Harrison CLC # 20844


I take it your post is directed at me since I did use the term old farts.  If you want to perceive my old *****comment as insulting I offer my most sincere apologies.  

But I would like to add my own personal observation.  I find it humorous in this Politically Correct world we have created that once you reach someone’s personal threshold for any given statement or phrase, even if they were not in the original conversation, that they go off like a howitzer and label their reactions with some diversity banner claiming your statements are causing a rift between the opposing parties.

I really enjoyed the posts back and forth with Johnny, and I appreciate and respect his input and insight.  

As Johnny he stated no one here is going to have an identical views and that’s what can make forums like this so valuable!  We all love old Cadillac for many reasons, and some of us actually like the new ones!  Isnt life great!


Ralph R. CLC #21834

I dont know what I have said to  you....until  you tell me what you heard me say...