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1938 Fleetwood Pizza Delivery Car

Started by Rusty Shepherd CLC 6397, February 15, 2005, 03:15:42 PM

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Rusty Shepherd CLC 6397

Ebay item 186559645 is a 1938 Fleetwod 75 Formal Sedan (in root beer brown). In the description: "Pick up your friends at the airport and make an impression. Use as a wedding taxi. Deliver pizza. Whatever the occasion, youll make a statement." If the Dominos guy delivered my pizza in this car, hed definitely be making a statement. Im just not sure what that statement would be; maybe "my Datsun 210 is in the shop".

Robert Koch 21150

The staement is: "Do you have ANY idea what the markup on this pizza is?"

Porter 21919


Can you check that ?



Rusty Shepherd CLC 6397

Well, duh, Rusty. The reason that number didnt work, Porter, is that its not the Ebay item, but the MSN technical service ticket number that they gave me while they work on a network glitch Im experiencing.  Both numbers were jotted down on a note pad and I got them mixed up.  The Ebay number is 4528135083. Sorry!!