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75 Eldorado

Started by George, March 04, 2005, 07:01:08 AM

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Has anyone had experience replacing the rubber seals on the Eldorado axle shaft? The seal band clamps require a special tool to fasten them. Can they be fastened without the tool #J22716?
Alternatively can these tools be bought anywhere?

Richard Pope

Years ago I found a similiar tool at CarQuest auto parts...


Bob Chesnutt 21760

I feel it is impossible to do a proper job without the proper tool.  Originally, I made one that worked OK.  Then I bought one, this was in the early 80s.  I know I still have the one I bought, but it is in my shop in MN.  I will be back there in June, so if you havent found one, send me an e-mail and I will see if I can find the one I made.  Also, I will check with a few friends who had one and see if they still have it and will sell it.  I do not think they still need it.  

If you want me to draw it up and send you a drawing, just let me know.

My e-mail is - -  send me an e-mail so I can contact you if I find one for sale.


Thanks you guys. I got one from the CV man.He also does joints and bands.