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Eldorado Mirage

Started by Danny, April 30, 2005, 10:22:09 PM

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I recently bought a 72 eldorado el camino type pickup. I am exhausted trying to get info about it. I was told it is a mirage but all the mirages find are DeVille based. Can anyone steer me in a direction to find out more about this car. I can email pics of it. PLEASE HELP!!

Bill Hedge CLC 14424

I am not sure about your car.  However, there was a 1974 Eldorado pick up for sale at the fall Auburn auction.  I was familiar with the car because I considered purchasing it a number of times over the last several years.  During that time I spoke to the owner of the car on several occasions.  He claimed that the car was converted by a conversion company located in Anderson, Indiana.  This person was a Cadillac collector who lived in Anderson, Indiana so I tend to believe what he said.  This person also said there were a number of conversion companies in the states that did that type of conversion.

Danny Siciliano

Every Eldorado conversion ive seen so far still has the opera window. Mine does not. Do you think this guy would mind if you gave me his email address or number?

Yann Saunders

Some of these were Mirage conversions were done by an outfit called Tradtional Coach Works.  I dont think I have any images in the Database of one of these on the Eldorado chassis, but Im sure some were made.

Danny Siciliano

I have plenty of images of different ones. If you want them, let me know

Yann Saunders, CLC #12588

Sure, Danny.  Thanks. Anything that is NOT already in the Cadillac Database may be of interest to Cadillac enthusiasts like you and me. Try to keep the image size (weight) down to 300KB or less, as I am still using dial-up.