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CLC Global Directory

Started by Dick Heller, May 06, 2005, 01:31:22 PM

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Dick Heller

When will it be published and mailed?

Jeff Hansen #4225


The International Membership Directory is currently being printed.  Read Bill Edmunds May column to learn how it will be distributed. TARGET=_blank>


Dick Heller

We plan to mail the 2005 International Membership Directory at the end of this month. As in the past, the directory will be sent to all U.S. members by Second Class mail. It will be wrapped together with the June issue of The Self-Starter for those who normally receive their magazine Second Class. Members who have opted for First-Class mailing of The Self-Starter will receive the directory some time after they receive the June issue of the magazine.

Please remember the directory lists our active members and the information in our files as of March 31. If you are not listed, we had not received your dues as of that date.

After our winter board meeting, I reported that we planned to expand the number of pages and use of color in The Self-Starter. This months magazine reflects those enhancements. We appreciate the efforts of Steve Stewart and Tim Coy who, with their spouses, have worked hard to make this happen.

Ken Andersen # 21420

What about the non USA members?  DO they get a copy also?

Bruce Reynolds # 18992


Yesiree, we get one each year, and it is worth its weight in gold.

You will be surprised with all the information enclosed.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV

Tim Coy #11513

Hello Bruce,

Thank you for the vote of confidence on the directory! Yes, every CLC member receives one in the manner described in the earlier posting.

At the time of this writing (May 9), the directory is in production and is expected to be ready to mail with the June issue of The Self-Starter. Weve added a couple of new features -- a listing of lifetime members plus the Youth Program members. The judging section has been completely revised and 2005 Cadillac models have been added.

Tim Coy
Art Director
International Membership Directory
Cadillac-LaSalle Club

Ken Andersen # 21420

Hopefully it may lead me onto someone that may have some 28 parts laying around. Never know in this big old world.

Bruce Reynolds # 18992

Gday Ken,

Yes, there are 14 members with 28 Cadillacs Listed worldwide in the register.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV