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February Issue of SS has arrived in Tasmania - at last.

Started by Bruce Reynolds # 18992, May 17, 2005, 08:24:27 AM

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Bruce Reynolds # 18992

Well, the February Issue of Self Starter has arrived in Tasmania - at last.

Thanks to all the people that made it possible.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV

Mike #19861

 And I will certainly enjoy it. Nice bit on the 55s in there!


Bruce Reynolds # 18992


I got my April issue a week ago.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV

Chris Bryant #19358

Hi Bruce,

I see you posted just yesterday that you got your Feb issue. That is good news! Maybe mine will arrive soon - Im only half an hour drive north of the US border. April issue arrived at my friends place 6 April, the day I chose to visit. I sent out an email to the Books last night saying that I hadnt received it or the Feb and May issues yet. Naturally after 5 weeks Canada Post chose today to deliver it. I telephoned the CLC office twice today to tell them what happened and all I get is the automatic answering machine. Anyway I left a message but I feel that Ill never be able to get in touch with them directly.

Theres always tomorrow...



Jack Mcilwraith #10584

Received the April issue on May 13.Another magazine came today [May 19].I presumed it would be the May one-nope! its the February issue.What the #$percentpercent is going on?

baxter culver #17184

Got to remember, folk, that mail must now be screened not only for content but also background checks must be completed on recipients who live in foreign countries.  All part of the Patriot Act; and a legitimate inquiry of the US Govt always takes its own course and time.  Who knows what nefarious material or secret communications might be hidden in the text, pictures and advertisements of the Self Starter.

Brian Daum, 18809

Bruce Reynolds # 18992

Hi Jack,

Havent you heard that there was a problem with the posting company for the February Issue and none of those issues got sent overseas.

I think that the "Issue" was that the information on the 2005 GN was enclosed and they were trying to stop the flood of "aliens" coming into USA to attend the GN, and possible buying up more of the "USA" iron and taking them away.

But, at least us "aliens" that do come over, will always leave, not like some others that flood the borders.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV

P.S.   Yes, it felt funny reading the issue, seeing that it was "old information".

John Tozer #7946

I have a 1942 Cadllac original shop manual that has the following stamp in red on the inside cover page:


"This material has been approved for Export by the Administrator of Export Control and is to be used by and kept under the control of employees of the consignee only! In the event such material should be in imminent jeopardy of falling into the hands of persons, nations or peoples whose interests are inimical to the United States of America, it is to be destroyed forthwith."

.... and thats 63 years ago.

"For all the changes, everything stays the same".

Oh BTW, I got my February issue too. Thanks Mike & Nancy.


John Tozer


Ken Andersen # 21420

He Guys, I just yesterday got my February issue.  This has got to be a joke right. Three months to airmail a issue to Australia. I am seriously thinking of not bothering. How can we as members take this up with the powers to be??  Something has to be done or I am out of here.

Randall McGrew CLC # 17963

Hey Ken,  you might want to take the two pronged approach.

First :  go to the CLC site and use their contact information to call the editor.
Or the President.  Take it up with them as to why this is occuring?  Perhaps they have the wrong Postal Code for you.  

Then I would go to my local post master general and file a complaint.  It is obvious that your delivery is not making it to you when most everyone (or a great proportion of them) do get theirs in a somewhat timely manner.

I have had to do that when DVDs from Blockbusters online service were turning up late and damaged.  It worked itself out.

Failing all that, I would be happy to send you my edition!  I read it and would be more than happy to share it with you.  Just email me your address.

I hate to throw them out but I have little room to store them.
What are friends for anyway?  :D

Bruce Reynolds # 18992

Ken, Ken, Ken,

Calm down, say after me, UUmmmmmmmm---Ummmmmmmmmmmm---ummmmmmmm.   Now, take three deep breaths and when you have completed contemplating the thoughts of Chairman Mao, continue reading down.

There was a problem with ALL overseas deliveries of the Self Starter for the Month of February, 2005.

It seems that the US people that are trusted with the distribution must have hired a new person that received an education from some place that said that the USA was the centre of the universe, and nowhere else existed, and therefore didnt know where to send the ones with "off the planet" addresses.

The matter has been sorted out because a number of us "aliens" noticed we hadnt received the missing issue, and started complaining, or, actually, suggesting that something was amiss.

The offending person may have been severely chastised, whipped, stoned, and shown a map of the world, as we Aussies know it, and now you have it.

The Tassie Devil(le),
60 CDV

P.S.   Stay with us, Here that is, not us, as in US.

Ken Andersen # 21420

Hi Randell & Bruce,
I will take a leaf out of both of your books, and monitor the situation for the next couple of issues. If I still have problems, then I will take the matter up with the appropriate department.  I would have thought in any case, that in this day & age, we would be turning towards a paperless situation. At least that way, we could all get our Self Starters via email and print the darn things off ourself. At least it would get here in a timely manner to enable us to bid on those bits and pieces that may be advertised. As it stands, the edition gets to us too late to do anything except read the articles.
Take it easy guys, & thanks for the "calming" effect.

Michael Stamps 19507

With all the problems with the Feb issue I assume that the CLC got a refund from the shipper?  Since the SS is the biggest expense of the club would it not make sense?
