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Started by Brad Hemingson CLC #18139?, May 24, 2005, 01:35:24 PM

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Brad Hemingson CLC #18139?

I was looking at e-Bay today and saw two 1966 Cadillacs with 8-tracks for sale. One seller claimed it was original to the car. Ive looked through my stuff and I dont believe 8-tracks were offered in 1966 as an option. What year were they first available?

Lars Kneller 8246

I think the underdash unit was available in 1969.  I think in dash was available in 1971.

Doug Houston

I believe that Lars has it correct. There were two different 8 track players that Delco made in those years. The first was in a rectangular housing, and was an underdash mounting. I can check my Delco books for the exact years, but the smaller wedge-shaped package appeared in about 1969, also an underdash mount. Some of them were mounted in a pedestal, bolted to the floor. I know for sure that Pontiac had those.  Long ago, I mounted one of them in my 70  DeV convertible, where it still is. Some models had convntional knob controls and others (as Cadillac) had thumbwheel controls.

On the earlier models, when the tape cartridge was inserted into the player, a transfer switch operated and transferred power from the radio to the tape player. In the same operation, it lifted the speakers from the radio and connected them to the tape player. So, the tape player had its own complete audio system.

I also beieve that Lars is right about the 71 being the first with the tape inserted in the dial opening. I bought a Cadillac radio with the integral tape player and mounted it in a 71 Olds wagon. Its still laying sround somewhere, and it was a pretty good set. The problem with 8 track is that you cant cue a selection, and also the conductive tape program trip strip that splices the endless tape loses adhesive and the tape falls apart. Ive repaired quite a few while I had those sets.

When I found a cassette player for a 77 Olds I had, I replaced the 8 track set in it with the cassette player. That 8 track set is still under my feet. I  know better now, but I had always felt that those 8 track sets went out with the dinosaurs! The 8 track players were a nice transitional item before cassettes came along.

Ralph Messina CLC 4937

Hi Brad,

 The prior posts are correct. The under dash 8 Track first shows up in the ’69 Data Book. In ’70 it was the same way. There’s no option code number or letter so I’d assume it was dealer installed. The unit has a light color metallic body with the tape opening offset to the right side. On the top of the left side are three thumb wheel controls.
 In ’71 the tape was mounted in the radio.

 If you bid and win, it let me know your suit size. I may have some old Sonny Bono clothes stashed somewhere……….


Lynn 10923

I have two owners manuals from 68 that picture the underdash 8 track and mention it as a dealer installed accessory. It is mentioned in the May 68 issue of the Cadillac Serviceman Bulletin as being newly available.


Tim Pawl CLC#4383

The Cadillac-LaSalle Club Museum & Research Center has recently received the donation of a Cadillac 8 track demo tape from member Brad Long, it lists RCA copyright 1968. This is the earliest known 8 track demo tape that we have seen.  CLCMRC now has demo tapes for 1968,1971,1973,1974,1975,1976,1977,1978,1979.  If any one would like to donate missing years. We would like to have a complete set.....we could trade a 1970 Pontiac demo tape, or a 1978 Buick demo tape.   Tim Pawl

Mike #19861

 I concurr with 1968. I have a 1969 Delco Radio manual that lists the 8-Track as being available sometime in the 1968 model year. From 1968-70 they were under dash affairs, with the in dash unit available at least until 1982, one of which I have. It also has a CB radio.


Andrew 10642

I recently acquired some service letters from 1965 through 69.  There is a letter within which states that the underdash mounted 8-track unit that was first available for model year 1969 (Which was available late 68, accounting for that copyright date) could be retrofit with an adapter kit available from GM to model year 1967 and 1968 radios.  My 1968 Salesman Data book makes no mention of the  8-track player, so I would think those kits became available no earlier than the early Summer of 1968.  Ill try to find the letter.

I was also never clear whether it mattered if it was a stereo or mono unit that it was wired to

Lynn 10923

The May 68 issue of the Cadillac Serviceman Bulletin announces it as being available then. There was no retrofit kit needed for 68 as it was available in 68, and the 67 radios are identical. It mentions that it can be installed by a dealer on any 67 or 68 Cadillac with an AM or AM/FM radio, and that it will not work with the stereo radio.


densie 20352

   I know that it was available on some GM models, because I remember a 1971 Chevrolet wagon that had a factory 8-track built into the AM-FM stereo.  It had a button in the volume control that you pushed to change the track.

   8-tracks bring back some interesting memories.  Remember how they dealt with songs that crossed from one track to the next?  Some of them would just click through it, and others had to be faded out, clicked, and then faded back in.

   Remember tape around the flywheel, where a tape would get shredded, wrap itself around there, and then cause your tapes to play too fast?

   The 8-track was invented by Bill Lear, and initially was made to play continuous background music while an aircraft was in flight, without rewinding.
