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Insurance Problem

Started by Joe R #20442, June 03, 2005, 12:40:25 PM

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Joe R #20442

I am in a bind getting insurance for my 63 convertible, and am seeking advice if anyone has been in a similar situation.  My current collector car insurer stopped writing policies in SC, which I think is a polite way to say I was dropped.  I found out a few months ago that my insurance company for my other cars, house etc. (USAA) increased my rates due to several violations and a fender bender my wife racked up over the past 18 months.  

Now that I am shopping for another collector insurer, they wont write me a policy due to my wifes record, even though she never has/will drive my Caddy.  The only advice my regular insurer had was try to find a collector insurer who will write an exclusion for an adult driver (normally exclusions apply for drivers with less than 10 years experience).  Has anyone been able to get a collector insurance policy with an adult exclusion, and if so with what company?  I am being penalized for my wifes bad driving in more ways than one!

Thanks in advance-
Joe Robinson

Joe R #20442

I entered this in the wrong forum-I will repost in general forum

Porter 21919

Well let you slide this time, just dont let it happen again, makes more work for the webmeister swapping posts to different forums.


Brian Rachlin

Check out Grundy Insurance.  Very fair, good rates, cover all types of cars in all 50 states. TARGET=_blank>


Joe R #20442

Brian-I had recvd a quote from them and have already dropped the application in the mail.  I discussed the issue with them and all they said was to send in the app and the check and they would evaluate it when they got it.  Still looking for other options as my confidence level is pretty low!
