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I NEED an Auto Transporter..!!

Started by Jeff Gibson, June 13, 2005, 02:31:57 PM

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Jeff Gibson

I need to get a 56  4-door sedan series 62 from Pennsylvania to Lexington, Ky....I would like to use an enclosed trailer service....anyone used these services..??  recomendations..??   businesses to stay away from..??    any help would be greatly appreciated.....

A near-future Club member........Jeff

Barry Wheeler #2189

If you want an absolutely trouble free experience, use one of the "name brand" carriers. They can be found either on line or in Hemmings Motor News. (Passport which is now FexEx is the oldest and probably the best.) Gypsy carriers (one man operations) can save you money, but can also be chancey. I did check into one man that advertised in Hemmings that has an enclosed trailer that sounded very good, gave me a time line, etc and a firm price. I think the ad referred to many years of satisfied customers. I didnt use him as the guy I was dealing with never sent me pictures of the exterior of the car over a months time and I bought another car that I could drive home.


Ed Mobley

I used Passport a couple of years ago (shipped my 60 Coupe from FL to CA) and was very satisfied.  I priced a number of carriers and they were very competitive.  However, others on this board claim that Passport costs a lot more based on their comparisons.  



Jeff Gibson

THANKS to everyone who replied here and by email...I decided to go with Thomas Sunday Transporters....Reasonable price and time frame...covered carriers only...sounds good...!!     Thanks again..Jeff