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NorthStar possible in 1980 Seville?

Started by Ray Diorio, August 11, 2005, 05:50:33 PM

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Ray Diorio

Dave Smith #17592

Keep the 350 engine!    It is/was one of GMs better engines!   I could see doing something like that if you had a fried HT4100 or diesel, but not a good 5.7 liter engine.

Everybody I know who has a NorthStar equipped DeVille complains about oil consumption.    Adding a quart every 900-1100 miles is normal according to Cadillac.      I talked a Good friend who always bought import cars into buying a 2001 DeVille.   He went nuts when his "ADD OIL" light came on after 1000 miles.   He is horrified that he must add oil twice  before going in for his 3000 mile Oil Change.   I explained to him that these cars hold 8 quarts of oil and that they use the oil to get the maximum performance.  

If you dont believe me, just do a "Google" search on the words "Northstar Oil Consumption" and read all the blogs and message boards about angry owners who were told be the Dealers that this is normal.

Now that he has calmed down about the oil use, he seems to like the car because of its other fine attributes.  Oh, and my friend is 39 yrs old.   Pretty good to switch someone his age over from the SAABs and Maximas he has owned before.   Cadillac seems to think todays younger men only want a CTS.   I hope they realize some of us under 70 types like the big comfy DeVille sizes cars.
