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Caddy Artwork

Started by Dave #17592, August 24, 2005, 08:25:57 AM

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Dave #17592

Well,  as many of you know, my Caddy was out of commission for two
months this summer.   But now that I have her back I have been using
it with a vengance!    

Every Monday night, a local parts wholesaler has a cruise night.  
Believe it or not, but it regularly draws over 600 cars on average.  
The record was over 1000 on the last day of the season when they did
a Sunday event.   This Monday they had over 775 cars come in.   They
put a numbered ticket on your windsheild, so you can see how many
cars are there as you walk around.   I stopped counting at 775, there
were a few cars still coming in.

oh, back to my story.  LOL.   As I parked the Eldo an artist walked
up and set up his drawing board and was eyeballing my Cad and another
74 Eldo convertible parked next to me.     I walked away to get some
food figuring he was there to sketch the cars for people to make some
pocket money.  Well, when I came back, he had set up directly in
front of my car!      He worked on that drawing all evening until I
finally told him that I had to leave.   He thanked me for letting him
draw my car and that he could finish up the final touches back at his
gallery.   I was expecting him to sell me the drawing right there.  
But seeing that he wasnt done, I asked for his business card so I
could see it when it was ready.   He told me that I could see it
online in a day or two.

Well I went to his Gallerys website and clicked over to the
Automobile page and sure enough, there was my car towards the bottom
of the page.   I almost fainted at the prices!   See for yourself.  
The pic is titled: "Savvy Caddie" TARGET=_blank>

On the way home from the Cruise night,  it was one of those perfect
evenings.  The temp was around 70 degrees, the sun was down but not
dark yet.  I was humming along on the freeway, parking lamps on, top
down of course, when an SUV full of college girls slowly passed me
with several of them hanging out the open windows screaming "Nice
Car!"   They actually pulled ahead, crossed over in front of me and
around to my passenger side and dropped back to get another look from
that side!  I was quite surprized!    They sped off still hooping and
hollaring and waving.   No sooner did they speed away, then a big F-
series truck pulled up and a girl put down the passenger window and
yelled "great car!".   I must admit it felt great.     I was so happy

that I took an earlier exit in the city and took the long way home to
prolong the ride.  
